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OxStudMind 4

Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind, Volume 4 (forthcoming in 2024)



Part I. 21st Century Idealism

Chapter 1. Miri Albahari, "Is Universal Consciousness Fit for Ground?"
Chapter 2. David Builes, "Modal Idealism"
Chapter 3. Geoffrey Lee, coming soon
Chapter 4. Helen Yetter-Chappell, "Idealism and the Best of All (Subjectively Indistinguishable) Possible Worlds"

Part II. Acquaintance and Perception

Chapter 5. Jared Warren, "The Sense-Data Language and External World Skepticism"
Chapter 6. William Fish, "Naive Realism, Incorporeal Objets and the Time Lag Argument"
Chapter 7. Dorothea Debus, "Relationalism, Acquaintance and Subjectivity"
Chapter 8. Emad Atiq and Mat Duncan, "I Feel Your Pain: Acquaintance and the Limits of Empathy"

Part III. Acquaintance and Consciousness

Chapter 9. Elijah Chudnoff, "Inferential Seemings"
Chapter 10. Anna Giustina, "Inner Acquaintance Theory of Consciousness"
Chapter 11. Michelle Liu, "Revelation and the Appearance/Reality Gap"
Chapter 12. Nicnolas Silins, "The Conscious Theory of Higher-Orderness"

Part IV. Symposium on David Chalmers' Reality+

Chapter 13. David Chalmers, "Précis of Reality+"
Chapter 14. Grace Helton, "The Simulation Hypothesis, Social Knowledge, and a Meaningful Life"
Chapter 15. Terry Horgan, "Why Virtual Worlds Aren't Real: How Phenomenal Intentionality Constrains Mental Reference"
Chapter 16. Christopher Peacocke, "Simulation: Its Metaphysics and Epistemology"
Chapter 17. David Chalmers, Responses

Part V. History of Philosophy of Mind

Chapter 18. Patricia Marechal, coming soon

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